What a catch 22

This morning I was reading an article about the health care overhaul; and I must say that it made no kind of sense whatsoever. There was so many conflicting sides of the issue that I felt like I was on a reading Merry-go-round. Some want to include abortions in the package and others feel that it should not be included nor should taxpayers money go towards abortions. Here is where the big huh come in at; the Supreme Court established a woman's right to abortion but the government wont use any of its money to pay for the abortion; yet the government is more than willing to pay for women who are having 4 or more kids with no way of supporting them or allowing taxpayers dollar to be used for these women. What they are trying to do is set up an exchange program that will allow individuals and businesses to get the same or similar coverage as major companies. Government subsidies will be available for those making 4 times the legal poverty level.
The current system is as follows: 90% of private health care insurers will pay while the government pays nothing. A separate lawmaker group wrote a letter to Pelosi saying that a compromise needs to be made stating that let those who are going to participate in the exchange decide if they want to cover it and let the government not pay. The issue with that is - its the exact same set up that's going on now. Again a confusing battle that makes no sense and contradicts every word before the previous. What I dint understand is how can you say that your going to set up a program that gives individuals and businesses the same or similar coverage as those who work for large companies but you want to pick and choose which coverage they can get; ifs that the case then why even start a program why not leave things as it is now and let those who are struggling continue to struggle?
Something else that plagues me with this whole health care overhaul is the fact that they are spending so much time on just this 1 aspect of it all. what about the younger crowd with the economy the way that it is and those who do have health coverage the the government you only have the bare necessities office visits E.R. coverage if its an emergency and meds no eye or dental most importantly no birth contraceptives. If your under 21 and have coverage through the government then your fully covered the works....and they wonder why people are wanting abortion to be covered.