The other big improvement from the Sims 2 is the fact that the townspeople (if you chose to keep this option on) can age along with you. Families move in and out, get promoted etc. Now people your Sims know will age with them as basically your save is for the whole town not just the family you are playing.
For example after leaving a particular Sim family for a while, one of my Sims had given birth to a baby boy and her mom was now an old lady. All this is optional and can be turned off if you like more control, but for me I think it will keep the game fresh and exciting so I am definitely going to keep this option on. Also the customization possible now is mind boggling, hair, clothes, furniture, even things down to the standard mail box you get in the game can be changed to any of the many colours and patterns. Makes for a much more interesting and varied experience.My only dislike with The Sims 3 is the lack of content they shipped with the game with but in the same token you can download Custom Content from the Sims 3 Website both for a price and for free.
There is still a lot to figure out and discover, I have only just scratched the surface but I have to give it a big thumbs up from my experience with it so far. I will say this if your a Sims fan or even if you have never played it before you should definitely pick this baby up and give it a try.
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