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Thompson to open Hall’s doors for Jordan
Each would have been an understandable choice to present Jordan during his induction Friday into the Naismith Memorial Basketball Hall of Fame. Smith was Jordan’s legendary coach at North Carolina. Jackson helped guide Jordan to six NBA titles with the Chicago Bulls. Barkley shared the role of rival and running buddy.
Jordan passed on all of them. Instead, he chose someone who had never coached him or played with or against him.
He chose David Thompson. The former NBA high-flyer who had starred at North Carolina … State.
“I got a call from the Hall of Fame and they asked me if I was willing to be a presenter for someone,” Thompson recently told Yahoo! Sports. “I said, ‘Yeah.’ I didn’t know who it was. … They said Michael Jordan. I was like, ‘Wow.’ He told them that he was a big fan of mine and I was the one that really inspired him. Being that there was so many North Carolina people he could’ve chose, I was honored.
To Jordan, Thompson’s college ties didn’t matter as much as his game. Before Jordan became Air Jordan, David Thompson owned the skies.
Thompson grew up in Shelby, N.C. Jordan was just 11 when Thompson led the Wolfpack to their first NCAA championship in 1974. Nicknamed “Skywalker,” he captured Jordan’s imagination – and that of the rest of the nation – with his 48-inch vertical leap and acrobatic dunks. Thompson went on to play for the Denver Nuggets, and was the runner-up to Julius Erving in history’s first dunk contest during the 1976 ABA All-Star weekend. He once scored 73 points on the final day of the regular season. Drug and alcohol problems shortened his career and kept him from realizing his potential, but he recovered and was inducted into the Hall of Fame in 1996.
“Even when I go out to speak, that’s how they introduce me, ‘Michael Jordan before Michael Jordan,’ ” Thompson said. “Charles Barkley once said, ‘[Thompson] took the game to the air. … He got people out of their seats.’ I saw a lot of my game in Michael Jordan’s game.”
Thompson first began to hear about Jordan when Jordan was playing at Laney High School in Wilmington, N.C. He knew Jordan was not only considering North Carolina, but N.C. State, too, in large part because Thompson played there. The Wolfpack, however, never asked Thompson to help recruit Jordan, who went to help lead the Tar Heels to the NCAA title as a freshman in 1982. The Wolfpack won the national championship a year later.
“We would have had a couple more championship banners up there if he came,” Thompson said.
Thompson met Jordan for the first time during the 1984 Final Four in Seattle. Jordan was there to receive a National Player of the Year award while Thompson was in the midst of the final season of his NBA career with the Seattle SuperSonics.
“My friend took a picture of us together while saying, ‘These are the two best to ever play in the ACC,’ ” Thompson said. “A couple years later he ran into Michael and had the picture on him. Michael got a kick out of it, especially since he had hair back then.”
Thompson said Jordan went out of his way to help him while he was a community ambassador for the Charlotte Hornets in the early 1990s. Then with the Bulls, Jordan would sometimes arrive hours early for road games in Charlotte to meet with underprivileged children.
“The kids treated him like he was the Beatles or Michael Jackson,” Thompson said. “Little girls would shake. He was really good with the kids.
“They didn’t really know who I was, but once he told them I was an inspiration for him they would look at me in a different light. They wanted my autograph. One kid said, ‘You must have been really good if Michael Jordan said that about you.’ ”
Thompson won’t have to give a lengthy speech for Jordan; those days are over for the Hall, replaced by video tributes. But NBA Entertainment recently interviewed Thompson for an hour for Jordan’s introduction, and Thompson will attend all the ceremonies in which Jordan is honored, and stand with him during his induction speech.
Thompson is still overwhelmed Jordan picked him to help celebrate his greatest honor. Over Smith, Jackson, Barkley and everyone else.
“I’ve been smiling ever since,” Thompson said. “I’ve been telling people and they’ve been congratulating me like I was getting in. I’m already in.”
Come this weekend, the game’s greatest legend will be inducted alongside his own idol. Even Michael Jordan knows the importance of recognizing those who came before him.
“I built my talents on the shoulders of someone else’s talent,” Jordan wrote in his 1998 autobiography, “For the Love of the Game.” “I believe greatness is an evolutionary process that changes and evolves era to era. Without Julius Erving, David Thompson, Walter Davis, and Elgin Baylor, there would never have been a Michael Jordan. I evolved from them.”
Marc Spears is an NBA writer for Yahoo! Sports. Send Marc a question or comment for potential use in a future column or webcast.
Improving Yourself, A Better You

Allen Iverson Tweets About Joining Memphis Grizzlies
Well I am about to begin another workout session. Agent informed me that Memphis made us an offer on yesterday. Stay tuned.7:03 AM Aug 26th from web
Memphis is a place that I would love to play. The Grizzlies have good young players with a great upside. I love the city of Memphis too.3:51 PM Aug 27th from web
I would lead by example. I could show how important it is to work hard everyday, play the game the right way, & just like it’s your last!3:57 PM Aug 27th from web
Sounds like the Memphis Grizzlies have made an offer to Allen Iverson. The Grizzlies haven’t given up on A.I. after all.
According to Suicide Lines: “The Griz made their second offer of the summer to Iverson on Tuesday, trying to lure the dynamic scorer with a one-year deal that starts at $3.5 million and is loaded with incentives. Iverson first had a one-year, $5million deal from the Grizzlies to consider. The Griz pulled that offer off the table several weeks ago, but are willing to give Iverson what they have left to spend under the NBA salary cap.”
AP: “Grizzlies general manager Chris Wallace is denying that the club has made a contract offer to Allen Iverson. Iverson tweeted on Wednesday that Memphis made him a contract offer, and reported soon after that Wallace confirmed the guard’s claim. However, Wallace denied confirming the offer through a team spokesman on Thursday. The team does have interest in the future Hall of Famer though.”
Why are you staring at me?

What Starts with F and ends with K
Harry answered, 'I'm too smart for the 1st grade. My sister is in the 3rd grade and I'm smarter than she is! I think I should be in the 3rd grade too!'
Ms. Brooks had had enough. She took Harry to the Principal's office.
While Harry waited in the outer office, the teacher explained to the principal what the situation was. The principal told Ms. Brooks he would give the boy a test. If he failed to answer any of his questions he was to go back to the 1st grade and behave. She agreed.
Harry was brought in and the conditions were explained to him and he agreed to take the test.
Principal: 'What is 3 x 3?'
Harry: '9.'
Principal: 'What is 6 x 6?'
Harry: '36.'
And so it went with every question the principal thought a 3rd grader should know.
The principal looks at Ms. Brooks and tells her, 'I think Harry can go to the 3rd grade.'
Ms. Brooks says to the principal, 'Let me ask him some questions.'
The principal and Harry both agreed.
Ms. Brooks asks, 'What does a cow have four of that I have only two of?'
Harry, after a moment: 'Legs.'
Ms Brooks: 'What is in your pants that you have but I do not have?'
The principal wondered why would she ask such a question!
Harry replied: 'Pockets.'
Ms. Brooks: 'What does a dog do that a man steps into?'
Harry: 'Pants.'
Ms. Brooks: What starts with a C, ends with a T, is hairy, oval, delicious and contains thin, whitish liquid?'
Harry: 'Coconut.'
The principal sat forward with his mouth hanging open.
Ms. Brooks: 'What goes in hard and pink then comes out soft and sticky?'
The Principal's eyes opened really wide and before he could stop the answer, Harry replied, 'Bubble gum.'
Ms. Brooks: 'What does a man do standing up, a woman does sitting down and a dog does on three legs?'
Harry: 'Shake hands.'
The principal was trembling..
Ms. Brooks: 'What word starts with an 'F' and ends in 'K' that means a lot of heat and excitement?'
Harry: 'Firetruck.'
The principal breathed a sigh of relief and told the teacher, 'Put Harry in the fifth-grade, I got the last seven questions wrong.....'
Clowing Around Pt 3
Clowing Around Pt 2
The Family Dog ......Cloud

Poetry Time!
My love, I have tried with all my being
to grasp a form comparable to thine own,
but nothing seems worthy;
I know now why Shakespeare could not
compare his love to a summer’s day.
It would be a crime to denounce the beauty
of such a creature as thee,
to simply cast away the precision
God had placed in forging you.
Each facet of your being
whether it physical or spiritual
is an ensnarement
from which there is no release.
But I do not wish release.
I wish to stay entrapped forever.
With you for all eternity.
Our hearts, always as one.
Colin Powell on Gates: “You Don’t Argue With A Police Officer”
Mediaite has obtained a transcript from former Sec. of State Colin Powell’s interview on CNN’s Larry King Live tonight, in which Powell comments on the Professor Gates story, as well as Sarah Palin and more.
He seems to take Sergeant Crowley’s side in the Gates situation.
Says Powell:
I would say, the first teaching point is when you’re faced with an officer trying to do his job and get to the bottom of something. This is not the time to get in an argument with him. I was taught that as a child. You don’t argue with a police officer. In fact, in our schools today, in order to make sure that we don’t have things escalate out of control and lead to very unfortunate situations, we tell our kids, when you’re being asked something by a police officer, being detained by a police officer, cooperate. If you don’t like what happened, or if you think that you have been exposed to something that’s racist or prejudicial or something that’s wrong, then you make a complaint afterwards and you sue him.
Later in the interview, Powell continues:
I think he should have reflected on whether or not this was the time to make that big a deal. But, he’s just home from China, just home from New York. All he wanted to do was get to bed… But I still think that it might well have been resolved in a different manner if we didn’t have this verbal altercation between the two of them…So, my first teaching point for young people, especially, not for Dr. Gates, that the young people, especially, is, when the police are looking into something, and if you’re involved in it in one way or another, cooperate. Don’t make the situation more difficult. And I think in this case, the situation was made more difficult.
The interview, which airs in full tonight, is sure to get a lot of attention and replay on the cable and broadcast networks. Powell’s comments about being racially profiled himself, Palin (who he calls a “fascinating figure”) and Rush Limbaugh (check out some of those here) will resonate.
After 9-year cookie ban, US Government wants to start tracking you online again
The announcement, blogged on the White House site by federal CIO Vivek Kundra and OMB associate administrator for information and regulatory affairs Michael Fitzpatrick and reproduced nearly verbatim in the proposal's listing in the Federal Register (PDF available), says that the point of the policy review is "to develop a new policy that allows the Federal Government to continue to protect the privacy of people who visit Federal websites while, at the same time, making these websites more user-friendly, providing better customer service, and allowing for enhanced web analytics."
The proposal describes a three-tiered system for deploying Web tracking tech on Federal sites -- one single-session option and two multi-session options, one focused strictly on analytics and one with a broader scope. The proposal acknowledges that the more comprehensive option may have higher privacy risks and states that there would be other, more stringent restrictions on those tracking mechanisms.
On the OMB blog (where the piece is cross-posted) the high level of discourse indicate that someone's probably moderating (at least lightly) the comments on this proposal. That said, response there is varying.
Some commenters within government have questions about first- and third-party trackers. (Respondents seemed to be fairly negative about the latter possibility.) Other commenters want to know if the analytics data might be made public, in the spirit of transparency. One noted that opt-in, not the proposal's opt-out, is preferable to many privacy-conscious folk.
Commenter "Paul Kincaid," who identifies himself as a security professional, raises the question of authentication. Meanwhile "Jeffrey Chester," speaking for the Center for Digital Democracy, asks why the comment period is so short and calls for a "serious public debate" on the matter, and dismisses persistent cookies out of hand -- drawing some ultra-polite heat from respondent and federal consultant Kochukoshy Cheruvettolil, who suggests that perhaps "the Center for Digital Democracy can provide some positive input on this issue rather than raise the usual concerns which I admit are valid but for which solutions need to be found."
Comments will be accepted through August 10, and may be submitted via email or fax, or through either of two sites listed in the Federal Register.
Please indicate gender:
Male Female
Indicate Orientation:
Heterosexual Bi-sexual Homosexual
Please check any of the following which apply:
I have no concerns about my sexual behavior but am curious how I would score.
I have no concerns about my sexual behavior but others are concerned.
I am having problems with my sexual behavior but do not consider myself a "sex addict".
I know I am a sex addict.
I have sought therapy because of my sexual problems.
To complete the test, answer each question by placing a check in the appropriate yes/no column.
1. Were you sexually abused as a child or adolescent? Yes No
2. Did your parents have trouble with sexual behavior? Yes No
3. Do you often find yourself preoccupied with sexual thoughts? Yes No
4. Do you feel that your sexual behavior is not normal? Yes No
5. Do you ever feel bad about your sexual behavior? Yes No
6. Has your sexual behavior ever created problems for you and your family? Yes No 7. Have you ever sought help for sexual behavior you did not like? Yes No
8. Has anyone been hurt emotionally because of your sexual behavior? Yes No
9. Are any of your sexual activities against the law? Yes No
10. Have you made efforts to quit a type of sexual activity and failed? Yes No
11. Do you hide some of your sexual behaviors from others? Yes No
12. Have you attempted to stop some parts of your sexual activity? Yes No
13. Have you felt degraded by your sexual behaviors? Yes No
14. When you have sex, do you feel depressed afterwards? Yes No
15. Do you feel controlled by your sexual desire? Yes No
16. Have important parts of your life (such as job, family, friends, leisure activities) been neglected because you were spending too much time on sex? Yes No
17. Do you ever think your sexual desire is stronger than you are? Yes No
18. Is sex almost all you think about? Yes No
19. Has sex (or romantic fantasies) been a way for you to escape your problems? Yes No
20. Has sex become the most important thing in your life? Yes No
21. Are you in crisis over sexual matters? Yes No
22. Has the Internet created sexual problems for you? Yes No
23. Do you spend too much time online for sexual purposes? Yes
24. Have you purchased services online for erotic purposes (sites for dating, pornography, fantasy and friend finder)? Yes No
25. Have you used the Internet to make romantic or erotic connections with people online? Yes No
26. Have people in your life been upset about your sexual activities online? Yes No
27. Have you attempted to stop your online sexual behaviors? Yes No
28. Have you subscribed to or regularly purchased or rented sexually explicit materials (magazines, videos, books or online pornography)? Yes No
29. Have you been sexual with minors? Yes No
30. Have you spent considerable time and money on strip clubs, adult bookstores and movie houses? Yes No
31. Have you engaged prostitutes and escorts to satisfy your sexual needs? Yes No 32. Have you spent considerable time surfing pornography online? Yes No
33. Have you used magazines, videos or online pornography even when there was considerable risk of being caught by family members who would be upset by your behavior? Yes No
34. Have you regularly purchased romantic novels or sexually explicit magazines? Yes No
35. Have stayed in romantic relationships after they became emotionally or physically abusive? Yes No
36. Have you traded sex for money or gifts? Yes No
37. Have you maintained multiple romantic or sexual relationships at the same time? Yes No
38. After sexually acting out, do you sometimes refrain from all sex for a significant period? Yes No
39. Have you regularly engaged in sadomasochistic behavior? Yes No
40. Do you visit sexual bath-houses, sex clubs or adult video/bookstores as part of your regular sexual activity? Yes No
41. Have you engaged in unsafe or "risky" sex even though you knew it could cause you harm? Yes No
42. Have you cruised public restrooms, rest areas or parks looking for sex with strangers? Yes No
43. Do you believe casual or anonymous sex has kept you from having more long-term intimate relationships? Yes No
44. Has your sexual behavior put you at risk for arrest for lewd conduct or public indecency? Yes No
45. Have you been paid for sex?
Don't need no damn test, what I need is a cure!!! Just Kidding
My New Blog
Iverson's future with Grizzlies in limbo
That power forward is Hakim Warrick, who was taken by surprise Thursday night when the Grizzlies rescinded their $3 million qualifying offer to him to give themselves more flexibility on the free-agent market.
The 27-year-old former Syracuse standout averaged 11.6 points and five rebounds last season when he shared time with Darrell Arthur at power forward, but Memphis acquired Zach Randolph earlier this summer to play that position, making Warrick both expendable and expensive.
Warrick will remain on Memphis' cap for the time being at $6.2 million -- 300 percent of his salary last season -- but the Grizzlies could move about $9 million below the cap if they formally renounce their rights to him or move him in a sign-and-trade deal.
It remained to be seen whether the move meant the Grizzlies were ready to resume discussions with Iverson, who was offered a one-year contract by Memphis earlier this summer and whose box-office appeal is said to be a selling point with owner Michael Heisley.
"I'm not a guy who says things automatically cannot happen, because funny things can start to happen in free agency. We haven't closed the door on anybody. It would be premature to do that," Grizzlies general manager Chris Wallace told "We like Hakim and felt he contributed, but we wanted a little more flexibility going forward in free agency."
Another of Warrick's Grizzlies teammates, Rudy Gay, said he spoke with Warrick on the telephone Friday morning before Team USA's minicamp practice.
"I'm not quite sure what's going on. Not only was Hakim by teammate, he was one of my good friends on the team, so it's going to be tough to play without him, but this is a business," Gay said. "I spoke to him this morning, and he basically said he's moving on. He explained it to me, and I basically gave him my blessing.
"I'm not really quite sure where we're going right now, but I'm pretty sure by the time the season starts we'll have a better idea," Gay said.
Warrick's agent, Bill Duffy, said he had already been contacted by five teams with interest in Warrick by Friday afternoon, though he would not disclose them.
"This was a directive from the owner. It came down from the top, and it is consistent with the cost-cutting measures going on across the NBA," Duffy told "Eighty percent of the NBA teams, their focus now is economic."
Several NBA executives were caught unaware of the move, learning about it as they attended Team USA's mini-camp in Las Vegas.
The same was true for one of Warrick's now-former teammates, O.J. Mayo.
"If it's to make room for Allen Iverson, I definitely think we're making a step forward," Mayo said, "and as a young player in my second year in the league I definitely gets me excited that we're going the right way and making some good choices for the organization."
Iverson's agent, Leon Rose, did not immediately return calls seeking comment.
Clowning Around
This World is Stone Cold Crazy!!
Aurora police confirmed the CBS4 investigation saying the incident occurred May 21 at the McDonald's at 18181 East Hampden Avenue.
A spokesperson for the Aurora Police Department said they plan to present the case -- now classified as a felony menacing incident -- to the Arapahoe County District Attorney's Office Thursday for possible filing of criminal charges.
Sources familiar with the case, and the fast food worker's account of what happened, say two off-duty Denver police officers placed an order from their car in the early morning hours of May 21. But once at the drive through window, the employee said the men became agitated and angry at how long their food was taking. The men thought they were being ignored, according to contacts familiar with the worker's account. The male clerk then said one of the officer's flashed his police badge and pointed a pistol through the drive through window in a threatening manner, before driving off without paying.
Both officers are assigned to Denver International Airport although only one has been placed on administrative leave with pay, pending the outcome of the case.
What a catch 22
Steve McNair had a blood-alcohol level 2x TN legal limit 4 driving when he was killed
NASHVILLE, Tenn. – Authorities say former NFL star Steve McNair had a blood-alcohol level twice Tennessee's legal limit for driving when his girlfriend shot him to death.
Tennessee Assistant Medical Examiner Feng Li said Monday that a toxicology report showed a trace amount of marijuana in the body of Sahel Kazemi. Police say the 20-year-old Kazemi shot McNair July 4 in a Nashville condo before killing herself.
Police say McNair was likely asleep when he was shot twice in the head and twice in the chest.
Li said there was no way to tell from the report how long before McNair's death he had been drinking.
Kazemi was arrested for drunken driving in Nashville two days before the shooting. Police video of the arrest showed her telling the officer that she was high
Google Says Mobile App Stores Have No Future
Sour grapes? Maybe. It’s no coincidence that Google has placed its money on web-based applications, for its mobile Android operating system as well as its forthcoming Chrome OS.
Vic Gundotra, Google’s engineering vice president and developer evangelist, said on Friday at the Mobilebeat conference in San Francisco that the future of the mobile industry lies in web-based applications, rather than native software coded to run on specific smartphone operating systems.
“Many, many applications can be delivered through the browser and what that does for our costs is stunning,” Gundotra was quoted in a Financial Times report. “We believe the web has won and over the next several years, the browser, for economic reasons almost, will become the platform that matters and certainly that’s where Google is investing.”
Ever since Java emerged in the 1990s, the tech industry has debated whether software would shift from native programs sitting on a hard drive (like Microsoft Office) toward web-based applications accessible through a browser (like Google Docs). Developed by Sun Microsystems, Java is a cross-platform environment that many web-based applications use today, albeit “in the cloud” — on central servers — rather than in the browser. One big benefit of cloud-based, web-centric applications is that users can access the apps and their personal data from any computer using a browser.
However, while Google’s internet software suite is certainly popular, web-based apps are far from winning, said Michael Gartenberg, technology strategist of Interpret. He noted that Apple’s App Store, which serves 65,000 third-party apps and has attracted over 1.5 billion downloads and 100,000 developers, is a testament for strong consumer and developer interest in native applications.
“It’s odd that Google feels the need to position as one versus the other,” Gartenberg said. “That’s last century thinking.”
Gartenberg pointed out that many iPhone apps are native and web-based at the same time. That’s because a lot of the apps download or share data via the internet. And it’s beneficial for the apps to be native, because that way they’re programmed to specifically take advantage of the iPhone’s processor, graphic accelerator and other hardware features.
“It’s not about web applications or desktop applications but integrating the internet in the cloud into these applications that are on both my phone and the PC,” Gartenberg said. “Ultimately, it’s about offering the best of both worlds to create the best experience for consumers — not forcing them to choose one or the other.”
Gartenberg highlighted social networking service Twitter as an example. The Twitter service exists on the internet, and yet most users prefer reading their feeds and posting tweets with a native application rather than visiting in a browser, Gartenberg said.
Raven Zachary, an analyst and president of iPhone strategist firm Small Society, also disagreed with Google’s assessment. He said that the App Store makes it clear that native apps are proving a better experience for consumers. When Apple released the original iPhone in 2007, the company offered no software developer kit for the smartphone and told developers to make web-based apps. However, web-based apps proved unpopular among developers, and the iPhone didn’t explode in popularity until its App Store and the second-generation iPhone 3G launched in 2008.
“It’s pretty clear that native apps and on-phone distribution are by far the most efficient and compelling ways to have consumer apps,” Zachary said.
And speaking technically, Zachary pointed out that there will always be fundamental challenges with coding apps purely for the web: Not all hardware will be optimized to run the software. Different phones possess different screen resolutions, for example, meaning some apps would load better on certain phones than others. And other than that, a web-based app can’t take full advantage of a specific phone’s powers if it’s coded to work in a cross-platform environment.
Loren Brichter, developer of the popular iPhone Twitter application Tweetie, can vouch for the technical challenges lying ahead for web-based mobile programming. He said he’s been trying to code apps using the Palm Pre’s webOS software development kit, which involves programming in JavaScript and CSS.
“The Pre’s SDK is painful to work with because JavaScript is so clumsy,” Brichter said.
He added that web technology is not improving quickly enough to fulfill Google’s prophecy of web apps winning in the near future.
“The progress of web technologies is going so slow,” Brichter said. “With HTML5, they can’t even decide on a video format…. It’s just moving at a snail’s pace.”
What do you think about the future of mobile? Web apps winning? App stores surviving? Both native and web co-existing? Vote in the poll below.
My have the mighty fallen
Walker was popped at a Harrah's Casino in South Lake Tahoe, Nevada and later released on $135,000 bond. He allegedly owes $822,000 in gambling debts and faces three felony counts of writing bad checks.
He's due in Las Vegas Justice Court on Monday.
McNair's mistress, Sahel Kazemi, bought the gun on July 2 -- two days before she murdered Steve and then killed herself.
Prosecutors are expected to announce the charges against Gilliam this afternoon.
UPDATE: Gilliam has been charged with illegally possessing a firearm. A big no-no for the convicted felon.
Gilliam was convicted of murder and attempted armed robbery in 1993.
Katt Williams files for Bankruptcy
Comedian gave out about $29,000 to audience, club owner says
Even a standup comedian can use a good prop, and Katt Williams had one of the best — a briefcase stuffed with cash.
While he cracked jokes at the Laugh Factory on Sunday night, the comedian with a taste for fedoras and wide lapels worked the audience, handing out $100 bills to everybody. In all, the comedian handed out about $29,000, Laugh Factory owner Jamie said.
“You should have seen it,” Masada said. “Some people were crying. They came to see the show and they got $100.”
Williams’ manager didn’t immediately respond to an e-mail Tuesday, but Masada said the comedian told the audience he hadn’t forgotten his roots and wanted to thank his loyal audience.
Williams appeared with Ice Cube and Tracy Morgan in this year’s “First Sunday.” He has hosted BET’s annual Hip Hop Awards since its first broadcast in 2006.
Court knew man jailed for a year for non-support was not child's father
7:13 p.m. Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Frank Hatley has languished in a South Georgia jail for more than a year.
The reason? He failed to reimburse the state for all the public assistance his “son” received over the past two decades.
The problem? Hatley is not the biological father -- and a special assistant state attorney general and a judge knew it but jailed Hatley anyway.
“I feel bad for the man,” Cook County Sheriff Johnny Daughtrey said Tuesday. “Put yourself in that man’s shoes: If it wasn’t your child, would you want to be paying child support for him?”
Daughtrey said he hopes a hearing Wednesday will resolve the matter. Hatley has been held at the county jail in Adel since June 25, 2008, costing the county an estimated $35 to $40 a day.
Even after learning he was not the father, Hatley paid thousands of dollars the state said he owed for support. After losing his job and becoming homeless, he still made payments out of his unemployment benefits.
Hatley’s lawyer, Sarah Geraghty of the Southern Center for Human Rights in Atlanta, said two independent DNA tests -- one nine years ago and one just a few days ago -- prove he is not the biological father.
“This is a case of excessive zeal to recover money trumping common sense,” she said. “What possible legitimate reason can the state have to pursue Mr. Hatley for child support when he does not have any children?”
It may be difficult for Hatley to get out from under the court order, said Atlanta family lawyer Randall Kessler, who is not associated with the case. “It’s definitely unfair,” Kessler said. “But at the same time, he’s dealing with a valid court order.”
Russ Willard, a spokesman for the state attorney general, said if Hatley can show at the hearing that he is indigent, the state will not oppose his release.
Willard said Hatley could have applied to the state Office of Child Support Services to request that he be relieved of his obligations. He said Hatley has not made such a request.
According to court filings, Hatley was never told that he could have a court-appointed lawyer if he could not afford one. Geraghty said she only recently took on Hatley as a client after the sheriff asked her to talk to Hatley about his predicament.
Geraghty said Hatley had paid a total of $9,524.05 in support since April 1995, but records of payments before that time are not available.
In the 1980s, Hatley had a relationship with Essie Lee Morrison, who became pregnant, had a baby boy and told Hatley the child was his, according to court records. The couple never married and split up shortly after Travon was born in 1987.
In 1989, Morrison applied for public assistance through the state Department of Human Resources. The state then moved to get Hatley to reimburse the cost of Travon’s support, and Hatley agreed because he believed Travon was his son.
But in 2000, DNA samples from Hatley and Travon showed the two were not related, according to a court records.
With the help of a Georgia Legal Services lawyer, Hatley went to court and was relieved of his responsibility to pay future child support. But he still had to deal with being a deadbeat dad when it was assumed that he was really the dad.
Homerville lawyer Charles Reddick, working as a special assistant state attorney general, prepared an order requiring Hatley to pay the $16,398 he still owed the state for child support.
The Aug. 21, 2001 order, signed by Cook County Superior Court Judge Dane Perkins, acknowledges that Hatley was not Travon’s father.
After that, Hatley paid almost $6,000. But last year he was laid off from his job unloading charcoal grills from shipping containers. He became homeless and lived in his car. Still, Hatley made some child support payments using his unemployment benefits.
By May 2008, he apparently had not paid enough. In another order prepared by Reddick and signed by Perkins, Hatley was found in contempt and jailed. When he is released, the order said, Hatley must continue making payments to the state at a rate of $250 a month.
Students Build Hydrogen Vehicle
Turkish students at Sakarya University have built a hydrogen car that gets 1,336 mpg. Well, sorta.
Called the SAHİMO, the vehicle’s current range is about 353 miles on a quarter gallon of fuel (568 kilometers on 1 liter). It travels such an obscene distance with so little fuel due to the vehicle’s uber-light weight: it weighs only 240 pounds (110 kilograms). The car’s made up of 90-percent carbon fiber.
I assume the size and weight limit it to holding only a liter of fuel. I couldn’t verify this as their site is in Turkish and mine is a little rusty.
The SAHMO won third most efficient vehicle in Europe’s 26th Shell Eco Marathon. And their next goal is to conquer the inaugural 2009 Global Green Challengee–an evolution of the World Solar Challenge competition in Australia–this October. About twenty electric, hybrid, alternative fuel and low emission production and prototype vehicles will compete in the race.
Melemez, a fourth-year student in the engineering department at Sakarya University, says “We are hoping to raise our record from 568 kilometers on one liter of hydrogen up to a full 1,000 kilometers on one liter, and we believe we can do it.”
A 3,000 kilometer trek across the Australian Outback on just 3 liters is quite ambitious but I really hope they can pull it off.
But before you think about running out and buying one, the car did cost $170,000 to build.
The 40-member group that developed the SAHIMO hydrogen car is the Sakarya University Advanced Technologies Implementation Group (SAITEM). Today’s Zaman reports that the team hopes to work on a non-piloted aircraft next and is already trying to get support from Turkish Aerospace Industries (TAI).
My Treat to my Bloggers Enjoy-Fabolous- Loco's Way-
1. The Way “Intro” (Produced by Streetrunner)
2. Feel Like I’m Back (Produced by Justice League)
3. My Time feat Jeremih (Produced by The Runners)
4. Imma Do It featuring Kobe (Produced by DJ Khalil)
5. Everything, Everyday, Everywhere feat Keri Hilson (Produced by Ryan Leslie)
6. Throw It In The Bag feat The Dream (Produced by Tricky Stewart)
7. When The Money Goes Remix feat Jay-Z (Produced by Jermaine Dupri)
8. Salute feat Lil Wayne (Produced by Miguel)
9. There He Go Featuring Paul Cain, Red Café and Freck Billionaire (Produced by THE BLACKOUT MOVEMENT)
10. The Fabolous Life feat Ryan Leslie (Produced by Ryan Leslie)
11. Makin Love feat Ne-Yo (Produced by Jermaine Dupri)
12. Last Time feat Trey Songz (Produced by Jermaine Dupri)
13. Stay feat Marsha Ambrosius (Produced by Syience)
14. Pachanga (Produced by Sid V)
15. Lullaby (Produced by Alchemist)
16. I Miss My Love (Produced by Sean C. and L.V.)
Kelis says from 11/08 to 4/09, her average monthly income was $21,616. Hardly poor, but way less than what she and Nas were pulling in while she was with him.
Kelis, who is ready to give birth, has some pretty hefty expenses -- $80,831 a month ... way more than she says she makes.
Kelis says she hasn't toured in a year and most of her income comes from her concerts.
Kelis says she spends $14,861 on her mortgage. Her nanny costs $3,500 a month. She spends $15,000 a month on entertainment, gifts and vacations -- not too shabby. And she says it cost $175 to have the "baby rug dry cleaned."
And there's this ... Kelis says she wants to buy "storage to bank the baby's blood when he is born. The banking is the collection and storage of the stem cells found in the baby's umbilical cord." It's used to treat 70 life-threatening diseases. It all costs $$$.
Max Payne 3 Coming Soon....!!
Just when we thought life was done torturing our old friend Max Payne (seriously though, when your name is Max Payne you’re kind of asking for it), Rockstar has announced his triumphant return, slated for this winter. Thinking back on the first two Max Payne games, it’s easy to just remember the extremely cheesy storyline and the fact that Max Payne – whose appearance was based on the story’s writer – looked more like a nerd than a hard-boiled detective. But let’s not forget it was also the game that invented “bullet time,” and was the first time gamers got to feel like they were actually in a Hollywood-style shootout.
There are virtually no details on what Max Payne 3 will entail, other than the fact that Rockstar Games has stated they are taking the series “in a new direction.” How so? Here’s the brief description of the storyline from the press release: “Since leaving the NYPD and New York itself behind, Max has drifted from bad to worse. Double-crossed and a long way from home, Max is now trapped in a city full of violence and bloodshed, using his weapons and instincts in a desperate search for the truth and a way out.”
We're pretty excited here because this time around the game is being developed by Rockstar Vancouver, the team that created Bully, and the first picture of Max Payne looks promising (Max has traded in his nerdy look for something decidedly more badass). Hopefully Rockstar can add some more depth to the gameplay, especially since “bullet time” has been done to death. If they can deliver anything that looks or plays like their other signature titles, we’ll put up with all the clichéd writing in the world.
I played and beat the first 2 Max Paynes and I must say the story is top notch. I look forward and will have more detail and personal opinions soon. I'll keep yall posted truth me.
Until Next Time Be Easy
World's Strongest ______
World's Strongest Vagina Discovered
A Russian woman has the world's strongest vagina it was declared today. Tatiata Kozhevnikova of Novosibirsk, aged 42, lifted a 33 pound glass ball using only her intimate muscles.
To get the world record for strongest vagina, the woman inserted a smaller ball into her lady bits and then hoisted a larger ball attached.
She has been exercising her musles for fifteen years after she felt her muscles were weak after delivering her last child.
The record was verified by Guinness Book of Records.
“After I had a child, my intimate muscles got unbelievably weak. I read books on Dao and learned that ancient women used to deal with this problem using wooden balls,” she said. “I looked around, saw a Murano glass ball and inserted it in my vagina. It took me ages to get it out!”
After finally getting the glass ball out Kozhevnikova developed a love to get a strong vagina. Now her exercising balls are all custom made.
She it does wonders for a person's sex life.
“It’s enough to exercise your vagina five minutes a day, ladies, and in just one week you’ll be able to give yourself and your man unforgettable pleasure in bed,” she says.
The process itself of keeping weight is very simple. Woman inserts a wooden egg in which a string (a cord) is put through in her vagina
This weight is fixed on this string.
The weight is kept by pelvis ligaments, buttocks and partly by vagina.
But I don’t advise you to repeat my result. It took many years to train. And in general it is enough to keep the muscles in tone for your health and sexual life. And you will always be sexy!